Home Garage: Our Home
Last night while watching a bunch of Youtube, I came across some lift videos. Of course I have always been interested in lifts, who doesn't dream about it? It got me thinking about if this might be the best solution for when the next car comes into the family. So for a bit of background, the wife was relocated out here for work last year. That meant looking for a new house. Our previous house was brand new, nice, but we definitely learned what we do not like. So this worked out for us, the relocation package was great and made the move affordable (maybe even profitable). So here are the things we were looking for and what we ended up with. 1. Location. Wife is originally from the area and her parents still lived in the metroplex. Grandma was going to be watching our child, so we needed to be pretty close to make it easy for her to come watch the kid every day. Fortunately, we found a house in the same city about a 10 minute drive away....